Wednesday, January 28, 2009


Isn't it cute???

Thursday, January 22, 2009


Hello!!, Updating through handphone here hee~
I'm not feeling well again and again,coughing and my headache is killing me inside so badly..uhu..for some reason maybe..hahah..nah..,i will update soon when i'm free and totally 'sihat sepenuhnya'..haha..


Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Cutest Thing

1. Know how to make you smile when you are down .
2. Try to secretly smell your hair , but you always notice.
3. Stick up for you, but still respects your independence .
4. Give you the remote control during the game .
5. Come up behind you and put his arms around you .
6. Play with your hair .
7. His hands always find yours .
8. Be cute when he really wants something.
9. Offer you plenty of massages .
10. Dance with you, even if he feels like a dork .
11. Never run out of love .
12. Be funny , but know how to be serious .
13. Realize he's being funny when he needs to be serious .
14. Be patient when you take forever to get ready.
15. React so cutely when you hit him and it actually hurts .
16. Smile a lot .
17. Plans a romantic date full of cheesy things he wouldn't normally like to do, just because he knows it means a lot to you.
18. Appreciate you.
19. Help others out.
20. Drive 5 hours just to see you for 1 .
21. Always gives you a peck on the cheek when you depart from each others company, even when his friends are watching.
22. Sing , even if he can't.
23. Have a creative sense of humor .
24. Stare at you.
25. Call for no reason .
26.. Quit smoking , chewing , drinking , or drugs - just because he loves u that much to quit it.
27. He would always give you a kiss on the lips and a hug when you have to go

Lawak ku lawak mu jua..aha.. (2 aksi dalam pukul 2)..

Hello fellows??

Ha-ha got some story here... he he I got this from my friends... Based on the true story ha-ha-ha... Anyway, it goes like this…

Ada lah di suatu malam yang sunyi ane, di dalam bilik yang berkunci dan di berpenghuni oleh enam orang sekawan. Sunyii berabis time atu. Then, salah seorang dari bisdurang ane kan ke toilet bcoz kan membuang air kecil a.k.a LIZ bukan nama sebenar hehe..

Ia ditemani oleh seorang lagi kawannya a.k.a ZELL bukan nama sebenar jua.. Ok like this, timenya kan keluar, pintu ane buat ulah tah jua.. nda ia mau dibuka pasal kunci atu agak keras-kerasan..takut2 ter-jammed dari dalam..eatah time kan ber-usah membukai pintu atu…tiba-tiba….

“ Bah au agatah mandi dulu, karang ku mandi!!”

Apa lagi yg sii LIZ and ZELL ane bertentangan mata gito lho..kan ketawa pun tahan saja takut ada yang terbangun..bisdorang dua ane tahu atu suara siapa..c-N (bukan tapi benar nama sebenar nya ehe) yang time atu tidur dengan nyenyak sekali..kalau di liat pun aa nda nmpak mcm ia yg bercakap tadi atu..meaning mengigau malam aha..

So, they just ignore it because it was obviously yang c-N atu andang pen-gigauan(ha-ha)..and so they just get back to the work yang agak terbengkalai tadi…Time sibuk-sibuk atu..

“Mau kah inda?”

Nda kena sahut oleh bisdorang ane..

Then that lucky girl terus bangun dari katil nya,..time nya kan bangun atu tah ia membuat cali secara nda senghaja, c-N tersangkut sekali sama wayar2 telephone nya yang time atu bercharging

“Ark!! aduh tersangkut erk”

Apalagi yang dua orang melihat ane menahan ketawa dengan fikiran masing2..

Sii LIZ dengan bangang nya time atu, fikirnya c-N ane mengigau masih..takut- takut ia mengigau berjalan means mcm ia kan keluar to go somewhere tanpa disedari nya..and sii LIZ time atu baru teringat yang ia ada cakap sebelum ianya kan tidur arah sii Neysa yang katanya “ Neysa, jgn kau hairan ah mun aku berkulut-kulut sama wayar ah ehe..” pasal time atu bini-bini atu pun mencharging jua ..rupanya kejadian atu terjadi arah sang pengigau atu ahahahahahah…

Aha, balik dari ceta sampai tersangkut wayar tadi... baruuu tah bisdurang tahu yang time atu ia sedar udah gara2 berlilitan dgn wayar… selepas atu, kan bangun ia dengan secara sepontan and terus ia membukai pintu tadi yang keras hantap kan dibuka atu jua macam seorang professional yang actuallnya inda..ehe selepas sukses, bercakap ia lagi..”Mengigau ku ne”ehehe

Yang seorang ane kidum2 ja pasal dalam fikirannya time atu, “hehe, kan bercali kali ea ane, udah tah ia secara inda sopan nya mengigau depan kami tadi ehe panat pakah hehe”

After that, bini-bini c-N tadi, konon2 nya kan meliat jam takut2 akhir udah..takut inda sempat Solat Subuh..because she think that, time atu jam akhir udah..mcm kan habis Subuh time atu..

Rupa2 nya, time atu baru pukul 2…bercakap tah c-N ane lagi separuh sedar,

“ Eh, ku fikir lama udah ku tidur ane”

Ehe kirakan kes nyenyak udah tue ia tidur ah..

Siii ZELL, apabila ia mendengar sii N cakap catu, ketawa hantap ia nyamu..tidur tah sii N ane lagi semula…and semua pun tidur lagi balik..menyambung mimpi ..


Berceria tah bidsdurang ane yang pintu atu keras kan di buka , tiba2 menyampuk tah si dang sampuk yang ia membukai pintu atu pasal ia terdengar bising2 time atu

Yang gadis bertuah dua orang ane tahan2 ja ketawa..then salah seorang dari bisdurang bercakap yang ia (dang menyampuk tadi) mengigau, curious punya pasal kena tanya tah macamana ia mengigau ane. Inda jua kena bagitahu..majal punya pasal yang akhirnya berlurih dari nya memajal ehe kena bagitahu tah, A to Z bui~~ apalagi jawapannya ketawa hantap nitu during aaa.. Naughty ee ketawa kan orang tapi it’s fun..ehehe…ahahha…

So, at the end nya, bini2 bertuah atu kena gelar and suka kena kacau yang c-N ane


Hmm~~~~ hee~~ ~the end of the story~

What is the moral the story? Aha I don’t have idea, mana saja tah kita kan bagi komen pasal moral of the story nya, kalau ragu-ragu bagitahu aku aaa, mun nda ragu-ragu and pasti, jangan tah...buang masa ja tue...hee~

PS/= who is the lucky girl (c-N) aaaaa??? :O.. siapa yang tahu jawapanny tue, I can tell that ia tah yang terror dalam trick pencerita, penaip yang Insyallah akan bertauliah.. Ahaha

BYE-bye…OUT!!! XOXO… =)...

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

The 7 Foods You Have to Stop Ignoring


They make get the B-list treatment at the supermarket, but their health benefits deserve top billing.
by the Editors of Women 's Health

If beets give you "clean your plate" flashbacks, it's time to give them a second chance. They are one of the best sources of betaine and folate, two nutrients that reduce heart-disease risk.

Tip: Wash and peel one fresh beet, then shred it on the widest blade of a grater. Toss with 1 tablespoon of olive oil and the juice of half a lemon.


Cabbage makes you gassier than the Goodyear blimp, but each 22-calorie cup is loaded with sulforaphane, a chemical that increases your body's production of the enzymes that disarm cell-damaging, cancer-causing free radicals.

Tip: Top off a burger with crunchy cabbage instead of soggy lettuce leaves.

Dried plums

Prunes' popularity among geriatrics has ruined its image. Too bad, because these fruits contain high amounts of neochlorogenic and chlorogenic acids, antioxidants that are effective at protecting against cancer growth.

Tip: Wrap a slice of prosciutto around a dried plum, secure with a toothpick, and bake in a 400°F oven for 10 to 15 minutes.

Goji berries

Goji berries are already a hit with hardcore smoothie fans. The natural sugars in these gems help boost the immune system and have also been found to reduce insulin resistance (which may help offset diabetes) in rats, according to one study.

Tip: Mix berries with a cup of plain yogurt or sprinkle some on oatmeal or cold cereal.


The deliciously sweet yellow and pink guava has a higher concentration of the cancer-fighting antioxidant lycopene than tomatoes and watermelon, often considered to be the best sources of the protective red pigment.

Tip: You can use the entire fruit, from the rind to the seeds.


Pronounced "perslen," this common garden weed happens to have the most heart-healthy omega-3 fats of any edible plant. One nibble and you'll discover that its stems and leaves are crisp and succulent, with a mild, lemony flavor.

Tip: Top a bed of purslane with grilled chicken and lemon vinaigrette.

Swiss chard

Like spinach? You're gonna love chard. A half-cup cooked delivers 10 milligrams of lutein and zeaxanthin, carotenoids that help guard against retinal damage caused by aging, say researchers from the Oregon Health and Science University.

Tip: Saute chard with a little olive oil and garlic for a super-simple side.

Provided by Women's Health

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Demam-ing..mean sick aha..what???


My condition now is demam + ke sejukkan gara2 di malam..pasal di malam ada barbeque di hostel. Just for hostelite bini2 ja. haha but2 ada cikgu plang tue, i mean yg menjaga it was ok di mistake, aku nda ambil gambar di malam hee~ kalau nda dpt jua kan di share..just keep in memory ja just I don't have the good mood last night because the ceremony quite late..and I'm sick that night..huhu jahat sungguh angin malam itu..hehe

Anyway. bored here because usual, nothing to do! help! bcoz boringgg hahaha..

Ermmm nada ceta kan di share here.. and my mind totally blank up so I just end it up here..bye and take care yeah..nanti meng-update..soon!!!


Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Boring and membosan kan

Holla, nda bah, baru tah ku terlarah kejumpaan bini-bini yg ermm wat to say arr, pembual, talam dua muka and mostly yang penting sekali is GILA!!! haha. Tapi just stop talking about her pasal membuang masa ja and ku doakan semoga ia bahgia dunia akhirat pasal menyusahkan hidup ku and and watever lah ia..hahah..

Anyway, masa ane di sekolah..nothing to do pasal Mdm Carol tidak ada..and what i heard is MC..kecian jua..get well soon Mdm..hee~

So, nanti lagi mengupdate..

OUT!! XOXO...=)

Monday, January 12, 2009


Updating my blog yg jarang sekali i lakukan eheh..apa kata nya hot2 chicken (hangat2 tahi ayam)..

Anyway, nothing to share actually..i don't know..I'm just boring pasal aku baru jua terfikir that if kan update hari2..isn't it bored????

So, me mahu update ganya not that selalu eheh..but2 i just want to update it more regularly than last year..eheh..

Nothing to say i just end it up time again ok!! remind me that ehehe

