Saturday, January 16, 2010

Very the short one!!..

Assalamualaikum semua?

Hai everyone...apa khabar?..heh...semoga sihat ya..I'm good anyway...heee`..long time me nda update eh nak jadikan cerita that, now I got a new job!!..Alhamdulillah..after finishing my school..I got a job...I'm quite happy but sure..a sacrifice had to be done..haha..iye la..kena jauh from family...but apa2 pun...I still do this for my family..hehe...and I love it anyway!

Erm..well...nak tau jugak kerje apa?...hehe... ok... sebagai kerani accountant je...alhamdulilah..syukur kepada Tuhan...buat sementara atu..kena cari kerja lagi..I mean yang bagus la...heh apakan? faham bisai...ehe..

Ok ok...tue je for now..hee`...till then...Goodbye peeps...till now again....see ya...mwahz!
