Long time not seeing you my blog..haha...erm...just a little bit update..
Nowadays, I'm quite busy with the news? haha apakan? erm..owh yeah about Michael Jackson...i really concern about the update news from 'him'... last weeks i really felt devasted and frustrated about the lost a such a big fan of MJ's...and it was really2 shocking and breaking news at the moment...around the world...what I just want to say is Michael Jackson is the best singer, dancer and musician etc..that we ever one can defeat him in any other way...he is the best!!!!...he also bring the changes in the music industry....
Rest in peace MJ's...may Allah bless you...Amin...
Okay peeps!...talking about i'm in attachment mode..not gonna tell you where...find it as you can...haha...wish me luck ok...gtg...will catch you soon my blog...mwhaz...hahaha..